Bart Cuypers
Dr. Bart Cuypers is a molecular systems biologist who develops and applies multi 'omic approaches to unravel the molecular biology and resistance mechanisms of pathogens. Currently, he holds a shared position between the Adrem Data Lab (University of Antwerp) and the Molecular Parasitology Unit (Institute of Tropical Medicine). He has a background in biology (Bachelor degree) and cell- and systems biology (Master degree). During his PhD he studied the functional and adaptive role of aneuploidy and gene copy number variation in the protozoan parasite Leishmania, a pathogen of which the molecular biology is still elusive. As such, he worked on the collection, analysis, integration and interpretation of (epi-) genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics data over a wide array of genetic backgrounds, life stages and resistance profiles. As a bioinformatics enthusiast and strong supporter of interdisciplinary research he is one of the five executive team leaders of the ISCB Student Council (affiliated with the International Society of Computation Biology), a global network of more than 2000 master students, PhD students and young post-docs that are passionate about computational biology.