Felicia Wells
Felicia Wells joined the Stellenbosch University Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics as a sequencing assistant in 2020. Her current research focuses on culture-free or early detection of TB infection and resistance profile information using whole genome sequencing technologies. Felicia achieved her degrees in BSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and MSc in Biochemistry at the University of Stellenbosch. During her MSc degree, she worked as a research assistant at the Department of Horticulture in testing different packaging materials that prevent ethylene damage and several mixed flower trails to determine shelf life and water uptake. During this time, she also assisted with GC-MS analyses for PhD students and postdocs at CAF GC-MS under the supervision of Mr. William Arries (Supervisor) and Mr. Lucky Mokwena (Manager).